Thoughts, wisdom, adventures, fun, updates and love all in one blog!
The cover of our book!

The book that I co-wrote with my wonderful father

Football and Beauty all in one photo
Saturday, December 31, 2011
If only we were like Finland
Finland has the world's best schools while America is in the middle of the pact when it comes to countries with the best schools and providing the best education. What fascinated me so much about this article was how 100 percent, completely different they run their education system than the U.S. does. For one, NCLB would NEVER exist in Finland, heck they don't make their students take standardize after standardize test year after year. Their is one test that Finnish students take and that is in high school. What really impressed me with the Finnish education system is that there are no private schools in Finland, and only 6 independent schools. Finland really does provide the same opportunities for every student in the country (U.S. tries to do this but fails). Parents can choose which school they want their children to attend, but everyone has the same choices therefore all children get the same opportunities to learn and be successful. Finland has eliminated competition by giving every student the same choices. This is truly a fascinating article that makes you reflect, think and really envision a world in which all children can truly be successful in school! I would love to hear your comments on the article because I am interested in what you all have to say about it.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
student teaching
I am now entering my 6th week of special education student teaching and it has been a great experience thus far. I learning so much for one this experience has showed me that I am picking the right choice by heading into the special education field. I feel like I have so much to offer the field and can relate extremely well to the students in special education. I know what its like to struggle, and dislike school. I also know what its like to feel bored, or completely lost in school as well.
I like to look at student teaching as this consonant experiment. When conducting an experiment often times we as the scientist, try and then perhaps observe or reflect later all the thing within the experiment that went wrong and all of the things within the experiment that went right. Sometimes there might only be one or the other. I have learned thought with every bad experiment, comes at least one good to follow! It's been such a great opportunity to try all these different lessons and ideas out on. I have really begun to see kids transform and make big improvements, and then I have seen kids really make no progress at all. Having the opportunity to see kids improve greatly and meet his/her IEP goals is the reason that I want to go into special education. I want to have the opportunity to see first hand the growth that at least one child can make when put in an environment the child can really take off in. Sometimes all it takes is having that one-on-one setting for a child to reach his or her potential.
Student teaching has taught me so much more than how to be a successful teacher. I knew that this experience would provide me with the tools and training to become a successful teacher, yet I never imagined it would have such an impact on my overall life. Through observations of my mentor and a few other teachers, I have begun to learn how to separate having a school and a home life. Often times we are so submerged in our careers that we forget to relax, revive and remove ourselves from the work day when we are at home. We need time to relax and revive our minds, our bodies and our spirits from whatever profession we are involved with. I have begun to learn how to keep work "at work" and then have time for other things when at home. I think this has been one of the best things that I can learn thus far. Life is short and we need to enjoy it when we can! I also have learned ways to be more organized, communicate a little bit better and even be successful with an established routine. One of the greatest things that I have learned from my first 5 weeks of student teaching, is how much I love working with kids everyday!
Cheers to all those good teachers out there, continue to work hard empower young minds and encourage positivity throughout the school year. It has been so great to see good teachers continue to spread the love and importance of education in our society.
I like to look at student teaching as this consonant experiment. When conducting an experiment often times we as the scientist, try and then perhaps observe or reflect later all the thing within the experiment that went wrong and all of the things within the experiment that went right. Sometimes there might only be one or the other. I have learned thought with every bad experiment, comes at least one good to follow! It's been such a great opportunity to try all these different lessons and ideas out on. I have really begun to see kids transform and make big improvements, and then I have seen kids really make no progress at all. Having the opportunity to see kids improve greatly and meet his/her IEP goals is the reason that I want to go into special education. I want to have the opportunity to see first hand the growth that at least one child can make when put in an environment the child can really take off in. Sometimes all it takes is having that one-on-one setting for a child to reach his or her potential.
Student teaching has taught me so much more than how to be a successful teacher. I knew that this experience would provide me with the tools and training to become a successful teacher, yet I never imagined it would have such an impact on my overall life. Through observations of my mentor and a few other teachers, I have begun to learn how to separate having a school and a home life. Often times we are so submerged in our careers that we forget to relax, revive and remove ourselves from the work day when we are at home. We need time to relax and revive our minds, our bodies and our spirits from whatever profession we are involved with. I have begun to learn how to keep work "at work" and then have time for other things when at home. I think this has been one of the best things that I can learn thus far. Life is short and we need to enjoy it when we can! I also have learned ways to be more organized, communicate a little bit better and even be successful with an established routine. One of the greatest things that I have learned from my first 5 weeks of student teaching, is how much I love working with kids everyday!
Cheers to all those good teachers out there, continue to work hard empower young minds and encourage positivity throughout the school year. It has been so great to see good teachers continue to spread the love and importance of education in our society.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
my 9/11 thoughts...
Today I saw sign that said "stop and reflect" and it really encouraged me to reflect. I think 9/11 is a perfect day to take time to think and reflect about our lives, our nation, ourselves, our relationships and our futures. It really made me take a little hike into nature to stop and reflect.
I am so happy to have a family that loves me, supports me and encourages me to be better everyday!
I am so grateful to live in a country that still believes in free speech, free and fair education, and the right towards life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I am so happy and thankful for all my wonderful relationships with my good friends and great boyfriend.
I am so lucky to be entering a profession that I am truly passionate about and feel like its my calling in life.
I feel so privileged that I have been able to travel to some beautiful, exotic, fun, diverse and totally life-changing places in the world.
I feel so lucky to live a beautiful place of the U.S. where a ski adventure is only 20 minutes away, or a mountain climb is only a 15 minute drive. Utah is truly a magical and beautiful place with tons of places to explore and see.
I feel so privileged that I have been able to travel to some beautiful, exotic, fun, diverse and totally life-changing places in the world.
I feel so lucky to live a beautiful place of the U.S. where a ski adventure is only 20 minutes away, or a mountain climb is only a 15 minute drive. Utah is truly a magical and beautiful place with tons of places to explore and see.
I am so grateful and lucky that I was wearing a bike helmet on the morning of my accident, for it really did save my life.
But mostly...I am glad that we as a nation took the time today to remember and honor all of those that had fallen for our country. They died so I could continue on my life journey and educate future generations about all the great things that we get to experience as Americans and humans on this Earth.
To end tonight's post I leave you all with a comment said by Anderson Cooper.... "WE ARE ALL ONE!" Let's not forget this, and let's start to unite together vs. continue to have this political divide within our nation.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
What a crazy August
I never thought that I would be relieved to see a month come to an end, but I am relieved to see August 2011 in it's last week. I am not here to say that August has been a terrible month, but it definitely has been a very emotional and draining month on me both physically and mentally.
I did learn some wonderful things this month for instance, I really learned how to study for a standardize, multiple choice test. Not only did I learn how to study, I learned most of the material that I needed to know for the Praxis test within a week and a couple of days! While I always wear a bike helmet, I learned just how valuable they really are towards protecting our priceless and ever important heads. I also learned how much I hate health insurance, but how valuable it is to have it when needed. I also learned that I can do math despite 20 plus years of thinking that I would never be able to do basic math like balance a check book, or figure out the tip on my own....well I can both things and more! I have learned to have a bit of confidence in my ability to still learn (especially something like math) regardless of how long I have struggled with learning things.
After all that I have learned, why am I glad to see August get taken out to sea and not come back till next year? Well this month has just been a crazy roller coaster ride for me. I was in the ICU of a hospital with with this horrible tube shoved down my throat. I was x-rayed for broken knees, and wrists because they were the size of balloons as well as multi head scans due to a bit of bleeding in my brain... all from riding my bike home from yoga. This accident caused me to reschedule my first two weeks of student teaching, which looking back was probably a blessing because it forced me to just recover, study, and study and study some more for my Praxis test, which I passed by ONE POINT! It also helped me to see that I was living a life that was way too crazy for me to handle and be successful in. So while this month has been crazy, it's also been extremely humbling...but thank goodness it is almost over.
Here's to September, may it be a lot less dramatic and crazy!
I did learn some wonderful things this month for instance, I really learned how to study for a standardize, multiple choice test. Not only did I learn how to study, I learned most of the material that I needed to know for the Praxis test within a week and a couple of days! While I always wear a bike helmet, I learned just how valuable they really are towards protecting our priceless and ever important heads. I also learned how much I hate health insurance, but how valuable it is to have it when needed. I also learned that I can do math despite 20 plus years of thinking that I would never be able to do basic math like balance a check book, or figure out the tip on my own....well I can both things and more! I have learned to have a bit of confidence in my ability to still learn (especially something like math) regardless of how long I have struggled with learning things.
After all that I have learned, why am I glad to see August get taken out to sea and not come back till next year? Well this month has just been a crazy roller coaster ride for me. I was in the ICU of a hospital with with this horrible tube shoved down my throat. I was x-rayed for broken knees, and wrists because they were the size of balloons as well as multi head scans due to a bit of bleeding in my brain... all from riding my bike home from yoga. This accident caused me to reschedule my first two weeks of student teaching, which looking back was probably a blessing because it forced me to just recover, study, and study and study some more for my Praxis test, which I passed by ONE POINT! It also helped me to see that I was living a life that was way too crazy for me to handle and be successful in. So while this month has been crazy, it's also been extremely humbling...but thank goodness it is almost over.
Here's to September, may it be a lot less dramatic and crazy!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I love Twitter, I really do! It's pretty amazing how much one person can say in 120 characters. While not all of what is said on Twitter is stimulating, interesting or worth reading it has totally revolutionized social media. For all of you that read this blog enough, you know that I am looking to be a teacher once I am finished with my masters this December and I am always thinking about teaching and new ways to motivate, excite and interconnect things that kids use and like into the classroom. I have been wondering about how could I include social media into the equation? So why not bring Twitter into the classroom? When I asked about this and looked into it, all I received was negative responses and ideas...until now! Finally I have found an article and video from CNN and on another blog post about how a middle school history teacher from East LA has used Twitter to help engage shy students in learning history. Watching this video, has inspired me and has shown that Twitter and social media in general can really enhance a learning environment within a classroom or within different curriculum areas. I think adding Twitter to curriculum areas could get students motivated and excited about the curriculum, and it could be a way for students to express themselves and participate. I also think Twitter could be used to help ESL students have a voice and practice reading/writing English. I love seeing teachers like Enrique be inventive (by using students interests like social media) in the classroom to help further engage the students and enhance learning.
Let's look at how current or future teachers can use social media to help students vs. looking at it as a negative thing.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Just to inform everyone, this weekend has been stellar! After a week of feeling stressed, and a bit lonely I am having a fun weekend. Why may you ask?
1.) I was finally able to get outside in LCC (Little Cottonwood Canyon) and do some rock climbing with my friend Chris. I did not lead any routes today however, I worked and improved my anchoring abilities. I cannot lead any routes until I successfully am able to anchor myself at the top of a route. I am getting better with setting anchors, now I just need to practice a bit more and get a bit faster setting them.
2.) Not only am I getting used to being a head swim coach, but I am also starting to have the club run my way and with my ideas!
3.) I was able to meet up with two girlfriends whom I had been disconnected with for a long time... and I went out to breakfast with my good girlfriend Shauna. The french toast was absolutely delicious.
4.) I GOT some rollerblades, which I have been wanting for a while now thanks to my friend Tonya! I love to rollerblade :)
5. I also am showing my love for the LGBT community of Utah and Salt Lake City by attending Salt Lake City's Gay Pride Parade tomorrow with two friends.
Oh I love fun weekends, especially fun weekends in the summer. I feel blessed this weekend!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Other photos from the Christie Lee adventure
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Some of the fundamentals to run the Christie Lee around the Captain's seat |
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Capitans are not the only one's to drive the boat.... I ended up being a pretty decent driver! |
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Luke hard at work doing some maintenance on his boat. You know he has some serious work to do when he has on the maintenance suit. |
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Just one of the standard uniforms when fishing! |
Salmon fishing
Here I am holding my first caught wild Oregon King Salmon ever! This one was very small (still legal) King Salmon at 28.5 inches long. In order to keep salmon in Oregon they must be at LEAST 28 inches long, so this guy was barely legal. It was pretty awesome to have finally caught one especially after a long day of throwing up, and feeling very sea sick thanks to the sloppy sea.
Another look at the beautiful King Salmon that I caught! These fish are so beautiful and so much bigger than I ever imagined they would look in person. The scales on these salmon glow so brightly in the water!
Another look at the beautiful King Salmon that I caught! These fish are so beautiful and so much bigger than I ever imagined they would look in person. The scales on these salmon glow so brightly in the water!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Adventures on the Christie LEE
Welcome to my three-week fishing and fixing a commerical trolling boat adventure on my boyfriend's (Luke) boat the Christie Lee. Heading into this adventure I really did not know what I was getting myself into. Frankly I had no expectations, and nothing to really compare what pretty much living, fixing and fishing on the Christie Lee would be like. While I would conisder myself a decently "rugged" gal who is not afraid to get a little dirty...I was blown away with being submerged into the fisherman lifestyle where instead of getting dirty in some dirt or mud, they get dirty in oil and grease. I have never been around so much oil and grease in my entire life.
I didn't know excatly what I was getting myself into as I volunteered to come, fish and stay with Luke for a few weeks as we won't see each other too much after this for about 4 months. I did not know I was volunteering to become proficient in drilling, or helping to replace old wires so we could wire new wires throughout the engine room. I also did not know I would learn most tool names through rote memorization through handing Luke different tools that he needed. Heck I did not even know that three types of screw drivers existed! I also did not know that I would learn how clean up oil spills safely and effectively either, but I learned that too.
I thought I was coming to do mostly fishing. Well we have done a bit of fishing, but I have done quite a bit of work helping Luke get ready to still go fishing. What has struck me the most about this whole adventure is how we work, and work, and work some more to fix things on the boat, yet there is still so much more work to be done. As Luke would say "there is always more to do." Yes I learned this very quickly.
While I still don't think I could live the life of a fisherman, it has been kind of fun to experience this type of lifestyle. It also has been kind of stressful too in some ways and definitely takes some getting used too. I really wear mostly the same outfit everyday and am used to just being dirty now, but it did take a bit to get used to. I also had to get used to having greasy hands and sleeping on the boat. While the lifestyle takes a bit to get used to, it's a lifestyle that I have a ton of respect for. Fishermen work so hard, and are " do it themselvers." I am so impressed with how well Luke can solve most of the problems on the boat. He truly can fix anything! I must say I find it sexy! While he can fix anything...I have surprised myself with helping him with some issues. I guess I could do okay in this lifestyle. I have even helped put a woman's touch to the boat by suggesting a few ideas for ways he can make the house of the boat a bit more cozy.
To wrap up, this experience has been humbling, a confidence builder, good for our relationship and more fun than I would be....but also more stressful than I thought it would be too. I have seen how great, tight and helpful the Oregon fishing community are towards each other. I have met some wonderful fishermen who I'll always remember and hopefully see again!
Next post can hopefully be about my actually experience and thoughts of a multi-day salmon fishing trip and include pictures too.
Much Love from Florence, Oregon!
I didn't know excatly what I was getting myself into as I volunteered to come, fish and stay with Luke for a few weeks as we won't see each other too much after this for about 4 months. I did not know I was volunteering to become proficient in drilling, or helping to replace old wires so we could wire new wires throughout the engine room. I also did not know I would learn most tool names through rote memorization through handing Luke different tools that he needed. Heck I did not even know that three types of screw drivers existed! I also did not know that I would learn how clean up oil spills safely and effectively either, but I learned that too.
I thought I was coming to do mostly fishing. Well we have done a bit of fishing, but I have done quite a bit of work helping Luke get ready to still go fishing. What has struck me the most about this whole adventure is how we work, and work, and work some more to fix things on the boat, yet there is still so much more work to be done. As Luke would say "there is always more to do." Yes I learned this very quickly.
While I still don't think I could live the life of a fisherman, it has been kind of fun to experience this type of lifestyle. It also has been kind of stressful too in some ways and definitely takes some getting used too. I really wear mostly the same outfit everyday and am used to just being dirty now, but it did take a bit to get used to. I also had to get used to having greasy hands and sleeping on the boat. While the lifestyle takes a bit to get used to, it's a lifestyle that I have a ton of respect for. Fishermen work so hard, and are " do it themselvers." I am so impressed with how well Luke can solve most of the problems on the boat. He truly can fix anything! I must say I find it sexy! While he can fix anything...I have surprised myself with helping him with some issues. I guess I could do okay in this lifestyle. I have even helped put a woman's touch to the boat by suggesting a few ideas for ways he can make the house of the boat a bit more cozy.
To wrap up, this experience has been humbling, a confidence builder, good for our relationship and more fun than I would be....but also more stressful than I thought it would be too. I have seen how great, tight and helpful the Oregon fishing community are towards each other. I have met some wonderful fishermen who I'll always remember and hopefully see again!
Next post can hopefully be about my actually experience and thoughts of a multi-day salmon fishing trip and include pictures too.
Much Love from Florence, Oregon!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
celebrating the festival of colors in Spanish Fork, Utah
Holi-the festival of colors- is the most fun-filled and playful religious festival that I have ever been too. In general, it is also the most fun of any Hindu festival as well. It is an occasion that brings joy, mirth, fun and play, dance and music, and, of course as seen in the photo lots of bright colors!
I went to the Holi Festival of Lights 2011 celebration at the Hindu Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah.
The saying during this festival is "Don't Mind, It's Holi!" Things that are done during this festival may seem offensive during any other time, however, perfectly accepted during Holi. Things like throwing colors at strangers as they walk by, or dunking friends in mud pool amidst laughter are perfectly accepted. Pretty much anything goes as long as you say "Don't mid, it's Holi!"
Holi like all Indian and Hindu festivals, has been linked to mythical tales. Three legends are directly associated with the festival of colors: the Holika-Hiranyakashipu Prahlad episode, Lord Shiva's killing of Kamedeva, and the story of ogress Dhundi.
Did you know that Holi is one of the oldest Hindu festivals and there is evidence of this festival on the walls and sculptures of old temples. There are 16th century Medieval paintings depicting the celebration of Holi as well.
The colors of Holi, are called "gulai" and in the medieval times were made at home from the flowers of the "tesu" or "palash" tree. These flowers are usually a dark red or deep orange in color and were collected from the forest and then spread out on mats so they could dry in the sun. After the flowers were dried, they were ground to find dust and mixed with water to made a saffron-red dye. The red dye is quite beautiful. Holi colors, are good for the skin, and all natural.
Usually the festival lasts three days and it starts on the day of the full moon. The festivities start by the eldest male member of the family sprinkling colors on each of the family.
My first experience celebrating the festival of colors was absolutely an amazing one. It was so wonderful to see thousands of strangers come together to celebrate this special festival. It was fun having the opportunity to throw the colored powder on my friend, and other random strangers. Despite the cold weather, Holi is such a warming event to celebrate the beginning of spring. I found out the red powder is the color of passion and Lord Krishna is the king of desires. All of our desires should be diverted for the well being of our society, and for Krishna. I also loved how this festival put everyone in such a generous, loving, and caring mood. It was truly a beautiful and colorful sight that I hope to celebrate every year!
I went to the Holi Festival of Lights 2011 celebration at the Hindu Temple in Spanish Fork, Utah.
The saying during this festival is "Don't Mind, It's Holi!" Things that are done during this festival may seem offensive during any other time, however, perfectly accepted during Holi. Things like throwing colors at strangers as they walk by, or dunking friends in mud pool amidst laughter are perfectly accepted. Pretty much anything goes as long as you say "Don't mid, it's Holi!"
Holi like all Indian and Hindu festivals, has been linked to mythical tales. Three legends are directly associated with the festival of colors: the Holika-Hiranyakashipu Prahlad episode, Lord Shiva's killing of Kamedeva, and the story of ogress Dhundi.
Did you know that Holi is one of the oldest Hindu festivals and there is evidence of this festival on the walls and sculptures of old temples. There are 16th century Medieval paintings depicting the celebration of Holi as well.
The colors of Holi, are called "gulai" and in the medieval times were made at home from the flowers of the "tesu" or "palash" tree. These flowers are usually a dark red or deep orange in color and were collected from the forest and then spread out on mats so they could dry in the sun. After the flowers were dried, they were ground to find dust and mixed with water to made a saffron-red dye. The red dye is quite beautiful. Holi colors, are good for the skin, and all natural.
Usually the festival lasts three days and it starts on the day of the full moon. The festivities start by the eldest male member of the family sprinkling colors on each of the family.
My first experience celebrating the festival of colors was absolutely an amazing one. It was so wonderful to see thousands of strangers come together to celebrate this special festival. It was fun having the opportunity to throw the colored powder on my friend, and other random strangers. Despite the cold weather, Holi is such a warming event to celebrate the beginning of spring. I found out the red powder is the color of passion and Lord Krishna is the king of desires. All of our desires should be diverted for the well being of our society, and for Krishna. I also loved how this festival put everyone in such a generous, loving, and caring mood. It was truly a beautiful and colorful sight that I hope to celebrate every year!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Travel for solely the option to learn!
I am fortunate to be an MAT (Masters Art of Teaching) program where a travel seminar class and experience is part of our graduation requirements. They feel getting to know a different culture that has a big population in the states will only enhance and strengthen us as great teachers.
With this, my program co hart and I are going to Nicaragua from April 7-14th and I cannot be more excited. During class tonight we were asked to journal about our thoughts pre-trip. I decided to focus on the question of why I am going on this trip?
For once I am embarking on an International trip to just learn- learn to understand the people, the culture and try to grasp the language even more! I am going to see the beautiful difference and similarities that make us all unique and different.
For once I am traveling for an opportunity to better not just who I AM as a person but to become a better teacher. I am leaving my opinions out for once and opening my ears towards the stories, sounds and thoughts of the people and the country!
Oh excitement is taking over my body and my mind to really just learn and get enlightened about the past and current Nicaraguan culture and attitudes of the country. To learn from the people that really know is such an organism idea, and one that I cannot wait to embark on.
Adios amigos!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
what does yoga mean to me?
Today in my yoga class I was asked by my instructor "what does yoga mean to me?" Normally I don't take the time to answer these questions that are often posed to the class but this question struck me. Once I started thinking about this question I realized that yoga does mean a lot to me in my life.
Yoga is pretty much the one place, (althought I do try in the shower and definitely when I travel) where I can relax, clear my head and really be present in the moment. I wish I could say that I stay present all the time, but that would be a lie. It's a place where I can forget about all the homework I need to finish, or what will I have for dinner and really focus on me. It's a place where I am completely focused on my physical, mental and emotional needs as a person. It makes me aware of any imbalances I may have in those threee areas.
It allows me to go outside my comfort zone on a daily basis. I love yoga because it clears my mind and expands my creativity! Not only do I phsycially feel more energized, but my mind feels more energized thus helping to expand my creativity. Some of my most creative projects and ideas have come after I engaged myself in a yoga practice.
Yoga has taught me to breath! I am learning in every yoga session how to handle stressful and anxious situations better through using the breath. Engaging in yoga practices make me a happier person! It has even served as a mood changer for me.
So as you can see yoga is a powerful tool in my life! Yoga has taught me so much about who I am and who I want to be. But mostly yoga has served as this wonderful place where I can go to be completely free and completely present. I love yoga so much. I recommend that everyone at least try yoga if they have never tried it before. If you have tried it, then committ yourself to going at least once or twice a week because it can change or impact your life in a positive way.
CHEERS to yoga and cheers to life!
Yoga is pretty much the one place, (althought I do try in the shower and definitely when I travel) where I can relax, clear my head and really be present in the moment. I wish I could say that I stay present all the time, but that would be a lie. It's a place where I can forget about all the homework I need to finish, or what will I have for dinner and really focus on me. It's a place where I am completely focused on my physical, mental and emotional needs as a person. It makes me aware of any imbalances I may have in those threee areas.
It allows me to go outside my comfort zone on a daily basis. I love yoga because it clears my mind and expands my creativity! Not only do I phsycially feel more energized, but my mind feels more energized thus helping to expand my creativity. Some of my most creative projects and ideas have come after I engaged myself in a yoga practice.
Yoga has taught me to breath! I am learning in every yoga session how to handle stressful and anxious situations better through using the breath. Engaging in yoga practices make me a happier person! It has even served as a mood changer for me.
So as you can see yoga is a powerful tool in my life! Yoga has taught me so much about who I am and who I want to be. But mostly yoga has served as this wonderful place where I can go to be completely free and completely present. I love yoga so much. I recommend that everyone at least try yoga if they have never tried it before. If you have tried it, then committ yourself to going at least once or twice a week because it can change or impact your life in a positive way.
CHEERS to yoga and cheers to life!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
If you live in Salt Lake City and read my blog then I highly recommend you support this cause through eating delicious Indian food! 100 percent of the profit goes directly to the Wai community for educational supplies and towards building a library. This is a great partnership and one that really puts the money where it is advertised. Support a great cause in a time when we all can help each other!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
I hate double standards!
I hate double standards and I wish they would just go away. Why do we make such a big deal about age differences in relationships especially when it's an older woman dating a younger man? I personally feel that if two people (regardless of ages) are happy and or in love with each other than age really does not matter at all. I also feel that it's no one's business to comment on it either. We all know that these relationships can work and portray true love, heck just look at Ashton and Demi! It's nice to have found an article that supports what I am saying and what I believe.
If you are interested in reading it then check it out:
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Education will save our future
"In fact, to every young person listening tonight who's contemplating their career choice: If you want to make a difference in the life of our nation; if you want to make a difference in the life of a child – become a teacher. Your country needs you," - Barack Obama -
Let's start thinking of teachers like South Korea thinks of theirs like "Nation Builders." America will only be as successful as our education system is. If we cannot PROPERLY educate our future generations, we will not continue to be this great, successful, and innovated country.
Education cannot afford to be "cut back" anymore. We all need to work together to make us rise up out of being in the 9 percent tile with math and science education. When I say we, I mean teachers, administration, parents, guardians, and OUR POLITICIANS.
Three cheers for education, and hopefully a better policy than NCLB.
Let's start thinking of teachers like South Korea thinks of theirs like "Nation Builders." America will only be as successful as our education system is. If we cannot PROPERLY educate our future generations, we will not continue to be this great, successful, and innovated country.
Education cannot afford to be "cut back" anymore. We all need to work together to make us rise up out of being in the 9 percent tile with math and science education. When I say we, I mean teachers, administration, parents, guardians, and OUR POLITICIANS.
Three cheers for education, and hopefully a better policy than NCLB.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I am about to start week number five of my 16 week's of student teaching. It's crazy to think how fast the weeks fly by especially when working with kids all day. Student teaching has been such an educational experience and has reaffirmed my choice to get my masters in teaching. I never thought I could find a career that I would be so passionate, energized and excited for until I started on this path of getting my masters in teaching.
I know so many people that work in a job or a career that they don't like and are not happy in and it's sad. I know people that make good money in a job that they do not like and are not happy with and this also makes me sad. I always knew that I did not want to be one of those people that were not happy in a career, and I won't be. For the first time in my life I feel so happy with where my life is headed. I am a few months shy of graduating with my masters in the art of teaching with a dual license in both special education and elementary education. I wake up every morning and get to spend the majority of day working, helping and hopefully inspiring children to work hard in school! I am helping shape the future lives of these kids, and of our country. That statement alone gives me the chills. Wow I am so blessed and happy to have been given the opportunity to find and choose a career path that is truly meant for me!
Enrolling in this masters program was just the beginning of opening the door to my future, and now student teaching has really opened the door wider for me and has shown me the light of my future. THe light is so bright and it has reminded me that I am on the path towards doing what I was put on this Earth to do and that is to teach children, especially to teach children with special needs. I am writing this because I want to continue to inspire those people out there who are struggling and looking for answers in your current life with your current job. I know how you feel and I want you all to know that you can find the answers you are looking for! I found my answer and now look where I am! To all my friends who are in the process of or are in the career path they have wanted and felt like where meant to do, continue to inspire, love, show happiness and work hard towards seeing your career light shine ever brightly.
"Shoot for the stars because if you fall short at least you'll land on the stars!"
Till next time....may you be happy and well!
I know so many people that work in a job or a career that they don't like and are not happy in and it's sad. I know people that make good money in a job that they do not like and are not happy with and this also makes me sad. I always knew that I did not want to be one of those people that were not happy in a career, and I won't be. For the first time in my life I feel so happy with where my life is headed. I am a few months shy of graduating with my masters in the art of teaching with a dual license in both special education and elementary education. I wake up every morning and get to spend the majority of day working, helping and hopefully inspiring children to work hard in school! I am helping shape the future lives of these kids, and of our country. That statement alone gives me the chills. Wow I am so blessed and happy to have been given the opportunity to find and choose a career path that is truly meant for me!
Enrolling in this masters program was just the beginning of opening the door to my future, and now student teaching has really opened the door wider for me and has shown me the light of my future. THe light is so bright and it has reminded me that I am on the path towards doing what I was put on this Earth to do and that is to teach children, especially to teach children with special needs. I am writing this because I want to continue to inspire those people out there who are struggling and looking for answers in your current life with your current job. I know how you feel and I want you all to know that you can find the answers you are looking for! I found my answer and now look where I am! To all my friends who are in the process of or are in the career path they have wanted and felt like where meant to do, continue to inspire, love, show happiness and work hard towards seeing your career light shine ever brightly.
"Shoot for the stars because if you fall short at least you'll land on the stars!"
Till next time....may you be happy and well!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
My 7 2011 new years goals!
I am pretty proud to look back on my 2010 year and realize that the five goals I made for myself back a year ago today were all accomplished! So I am continuing the trend of picking 5-7 new goals for 2011 that I want to accomplish for this new years. Like last years, I have decided to keep things simple because it is the simple goals that get accomplished.
1. Visit 5 new places this year....have at least one new visit be outside the U.S.
2. Participate and complete in an athletic competition, race or event at least once this year.
3. Get hired as an elementary special education teacher in a school and a place that I like.
- Along with this I want to at least apply to teach aboard for the Department of Defense
4. Live somewhere random for at least a month or so
5. Learn and engage in at least one new hobby, or experience.
- Possible experiences that I could engage in: learn to shoot a gun and then go hunting, or go on a fishing trip with Luke this summer on his boat, or finally learn how to ski effectively
6. Continue to embrace, enhance, work on and improve the creative, and artsy side of myself and then bring in creative arts into my classroom!
7. Continue to cherish, enjoy, and improve the relationships in my life that are very important to me!
May 2011 be a wonderful year for everyone and may we all accomplish our goals for the year.
HAPPY 2011 :)
1. Visit 5 new places this year....have at least one new visit be outside the U.S.
2. Participate and complete in an athletic competition, race or event at least once this year.
3. Get hired as an elementary special education teacher in a school and a place that I like.
- Along with this I want to at least apply to teach aboard for the Department of Defense
4. Live somewhere random for at least a month or so
5. Learn and engage in at least one new hobby, or experience.
- Possible experiences that I could engage in: learn to shoot a gun and then go hunting, or go on a fishing trip with Luke this summer on his boat, or finally learn how to ski effectively
6. Continue to embrace, enhance, work on and improve the creative, and artsy side of myself and then bring in creative arts into my classroom!
7. Continue to cherish, enjoy, and improve the relationships in my life that are very important to me!
May 2011 be a wonderful year for everyone and may we all accomplish our goals for the year.
HAPPY 2011 :)
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