Hello all:
Sorry about my long absence from updating you all on my journeys in Utah this year. I will get back on the horse and continue to ride and inform everyone of my travels. Things have been going wonderfully lately.
The season has finally started to turn into winter and snow is transforming onto the mountains. Whilst it is hard to get used to such a difference in the weather, it is extremely nice to finally see the beginning of winter. I love to bundle up in different hats, gloves, scarfs and warm clothes. Nothing beats a hot cup of tea, some cookies and a warm fire in the later parts of the evening and early mornings. I am going snowboarding for my first time this Saturday and I couldn't be more excited. It hit me a few days ago how much I missed snowboarding so it will be nice to get back on the mountain extending my jumps and rhythm.
During my stance of a troubled social life I joined different groups like the Wasatch Outdoor Group. We meet up once or twice a week and we go on different hiking, snow shoeing, rock climbing and other fun adventures. I have met a lot of awesome people through the group and I have quickly devoured friendships. Being in an outdoor group is lovely because not only are we doing outside activities, but we are also engaging in conversations and constantly meeting new people.
I also have been climbing at a local rock gym by my house. I love going there for one the gym is huge and it has a vast range of different climbs, bouldering and crack climbing. The gym also features a coffee shop, an REI next door, yoga classes and an exercise facility area. The bonus on top of all that goodness, is the fact that the place is populated with attractive and adventurous guys whom are eye candy while you climb. Seriously...talk about a pool, (okay a gym) of attraction! It is just an extra bonus to go there and meet and look at all the attractive men and I feel so good after I climb. It not only helps my strength but it gives me so much confidence too. It gives me a sense of power and accomplishment every time I finish a hard climb.
Lastly, I am learning how to ski this year. I really wanted to learn how to ski this season because I think it would be neat to know how to ski and board. My friend Seth works at Alta, only one of the best all skiing resorts in the U.S. and maybe the world. He is giving some free ski lessons. I love that mountain because it is free ski time starting at 3 p.m. giving a person about an hour and a half of FREEdom! Haha, get it FREEdom! I crack myself up =)
Well, that is my updated life thus far. I am excited for my vacation to New Orleans. I'll be writing from there starting next Friday.
Miss and love everyone!
Hugs and kisses from me,