While my changes are very small, they have helped me so much. I recommend doing any of the following if you too need a change and need a way to boost your happiness. I started a wall "Today I am grateful for" in my room and I post something new everyday. Today I am grateful for rock climbing outside, enjoying nature and the beautiful mountains around me. While most posts are not that lavish, each post brings a smile to my face every time I look at it. It's hard to believe a little sticky note goes that far. I also decided that one week night, I am not doing any homework or school related activity and taking that night to really do something fun. Last Wednesday I went to a concert at one of my favorite concert venues in Salt Lake where I saw two excellent bands. For sure this Friday I am going to the hot springs, but hopefully i'll get to do something else with some friends prior to that. To follow that rule, I also am spending half a day on the weekends doing something fun, and non-school related as well. Today was that day! I completed my first multi-pitch climb outside and it was awesome. It was a beautiful, clear, and fun day!
Those three little changes in my life has kept me motivated, happy and excited to work and engage in school the rest of the week! So if you were like me, a bit unhappy and feeling like your life was so mundane, then make a few small changes in your life. Try something new! Play in a rec league, or even take a 10 minute walk everyday! Life is too short to be unhappy and to feel burnt out!