Jenna's Grateful... For reasonable rent in a nice house owned by my sister. I have been struggling a bit with money lately, so it's nice to know that I am able to live in a nice place for a reasonable price. Thanks Jaron!
Is grateful for Salt Lake's summer days that are always so gorgeous, so warm, and so sunny. I haven't had a short storage of vitamin D since I've lived here do to the sunshine all year round. It's like southern California but with snow in the winter and less humidity in the summer.
Is grateful for her ability to start graduate school next Wednesday. I am so lucky, grateful and happy to know that I can afford to send myself to grad school. I was fortunate that my parents were willing to help pay for my undergraduate degree and that let me save money for graduate school. I am also grateful for governmental assistance to complete the ability to go to graduate school!
My last bit of gratitude today is towards my dogs. I am grateful for Tag and Smoot (our newest dog) because they are full of energy all the time, fun loving and are never mad at you. Actually all they want is to give you their love! Love that is always pure, always truthful and always soft.
side note...Tag is the one in the photo. He is six years old, and is one of a kind! He loves to chase birds, talk to us, chase balls, go swimming and lick off your skin!