The English language is really complex as we all know and studied. I cannot believe how many words are borrowed from other languages. But one area of the English language that I am really fond of are idioms. Guess you can say they are the apple in my eye, or even a doozy. Seriously though, how great are they?
While my love for idioms has always been in my heart, I am finally releasing and sharing that love. I LOVE IDIOMS!
If you love idioms like I do, then you should check out this website because it shares some of American English's best idioms.
So my goal is to use an idiom a day. Today I used two, the first idiom I used was "Wow I have completely run out of steam..." and that was in preface to ending my day at elementary school in a 4th grade classroom and having to be so energized and excited when I was exhausted. I also talked to my mom about how I felt under the weather as well.
Hopefully tomorrow's idiom will have a bit more positivity attached to it. However, I am going to an education workshop over going skiing in fresh powder. I sound like I am no fun after admitting that. Oh well, what can you do? I guess I have my pritorities all in order. Wow I am growing up!
SO cheers to one of English languages best parts of speech.
Hold your glasses high for IDIOMS!