The cover of our book!

The cover of our book!
The book that I co-wrote with my wonderful father


Football and Beauty all in one photo

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I just spent the last weekend at one of my best friend's weddings and it was truly beautiful. We are at that stage of our lives now, aren't we? Gotch most of us are only 23, 24, 25 and so many of us are getting engaged or married. It is so weird to think that we have reached that stage of life, but I guess we have.

While currently I am not in that stage of my life, I have more and more appreciated those who are. My friends that are in that stage have really shown me what true love is about. I have enjoyed being invited to celebrate love, happiness and joy with all of them. Nothing makes me happier than to see those closest to me happily in love!

Having the opportunity to celebrate Rudi and Kristin's wedding with them was truly a special moment in my life. I feel so deeply loved, but so fortunate and lucky to have Rudi and now Kristin as two amazing friends. Hearing the both of them read their homemade vows was a beautiful moment. It brought tears to every person that got to witness them and once again reaffirmed that true love does exist.

So here is to all of you in that stage of your life...may the love never dry out, and may it continue to flow freely!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oh Thanksgiving time!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the holiday season, make sure it is filled with love and happiness. While the holidays can be stressful, they also can be relaxing and very fun. With the words of Simon and Garfunkel to help us all remember to stay relaxed, enjoy the season of spending time with great family and friends.

"Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.

Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.”


We need to learn to stop making the holidays this commerical corporation, and start to make it what it is really about: Love, generosity, beauty, family, friends and spending time and doing fun things together!

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