Europe is phrase one of this new start. I haven't more excited to go on an adventure, than I have been with this trip. It is a much needed vacation and a much needed rebuild on my life. I started to feel as if I was drowning in my own emotions, thoughts and ideas. I have needed to capture a clear head and I think going to Europe is going to help achieve this desire. At first I stressed do to the fact that I didn't know how I was going to pay for this trip. That stress went away when my mom told me that I should use some of the saving bonds I received when I was little, so I am. What is even more crazy about this, is that I have way more money accumulated from these bonds then I ever would have imaged. So some of the money is for Europe and some of it is going towards my car/school fund. I feel pretty content knowing that my savings bonds have gone a long way.
For all of you worried I wouldn't keep an active blog while I travel, I have great news that I will be keeping an active blog. I will update you all with my wonderful trip with my brother and our crazy times. I also will be adding numerous pictures (which I am bad at, but I will get better,) and adding my absolute expressions!
So in six days I am to a month of adventures, fun and overly zealous times. It will help me to become refreshed, renewed and totally relaxed again. HOORAY!