is a grass-roots website dedicated to resisting corporate attacks on democracy, worker's and human rights, fair trade, and environment. This website provides a database of easily searchable corporate and political information to help inform consumers to make good decisions about what we buy. This website is to aid all of us progressive thinkers to make responsible choices. I can type in a business that I am interested in like for example Whole Foods, and get a brief business history, as well as any environmental concerns, corporate governance, animal welfare issues, worker's rights complaints, and praises.
Know more is geared to give us consumers "purchasing power" by providing rated details about different products, companies and businesses that we buy from. The website gives "responsible" ratings to many well-known companies.
The website was founded by musicians Sage Francis and B Dolan in 2004 and has since really expanded. Together the two rappers went on tour to raise awareness for their work towards creating this website.
We all have values, morals and beliefs, so why not practice what we preach and really know the corporations that we support based off our values, morals and beliefs so that next time we shop we are supporting the good corporations that are actually here for us the PEOPLE, THE CONSUMERS!