But there is more to the 4th of July then our nation's birthday of independence. It is a holiday where old friends reunite after long periods of absence, or families coming together for a complete celebration together. This will be the first time in years that my whole family will be together for the fourth and I couldn't be happier. Last year it was my sister missing, and this year she is with us on Bainbridge to celebrate the fourth.
Bainbridge Island, Washington has a very special celebration of July 4th and it is another reason why I love this holiday. B.I. brings back the love of small town America every day but especially on the 4th with it's annual July 3rd street dance and beer garden and then following that with a July 4th parade, 5k run and vendors! I love being back on Bainbridge to celebrate another independence year.
This year my family is having a party after the 4th of July crazyness downtown. We are having a get together with old friends that most of us haven't seen in a few years. This party is featuring horseshoe throwing, badminton playing, beer drinking, watermelon and other food eating good time.
Lastly we are all taking another family photo as it is one of the few times we will all be together.
So remember that not only are we celebrating the birth of our great nation, but we are celebrating love and fun with family, friends (new and old,) pets, neighbors and whole communities! July 4th is a celebration bringing everyone together-- after all that is what America is all about!