The cover of our book!

The cover of our book!
The book that I co-wrote with my wonderful father


Football and Beauty all in one photo

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year Advice...happy 2012

‎”I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.
Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something.
So that’s my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself. Make new mistakes. Make glorious, amazing mistakes. Make mistakes nobody’s ever made before. Don’t freeze, don’t stop, don’t worry that it isn’t good enough, or it isn’t perfect, whatever it is: art, or love, or work or family or life.
Whatever it is you’re scared of doing, do it.
Make your mistakes, next year and forever.”
-Neil Gaiman and his take on 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 list of excitements to come!

Day 1 of 2012 has officially made me think about all the things that I am excited for in 2012. I decided to construct a list of those excitements. 2011 wasn't my year, actually it was a pretty tough year for myself so I have decided to start 2012 on more exciting, positive and fun note! 

1. I officially start my new job as a Head Start preschool teacher on Jan.3rd and am contracted till June! 
2. I officially have a job with great is also my first job with great benefits in my life. 
3. I am excited to take a vacation with Luke this year as I was invited to go to Maui with him and his family. 
4. I am excited for living in either LA, Oregon or Tulsa, OK. this summer for an opportunity to have a great summer education in any of the three places and also have some fun as well! 
5. I am excited for the opportunity to continue to expand the journey that I have started with Luke and have our relationship grow. 
6. I am excited to learn how to finally ski this season as I only know how to snowboard at the moment. 
7. I am excited to practice my spanish while working at Head Start when needing to communicate with parents whom do not speak English.
8. I am excited for the possibility of living in Costa Rica for a year with Luke hopefully as I was offered a job as a teaching assistant to help this little girl with a disability who lives there. 
9. I am excited to continue to develop and expand my friendships in SLC, as well as make more of an effort to continue my friendships in other parts and states. 
10. But mostly I am excited for the unknown excitements that 2012 will bring me, and bring us! 

Happy New Years to all and may 2012 be one STELLAR YEAR! 

Saturday, December 31, 2011

If only we were like Finland

Finland has the world's best schools while America is in the middle of the pact when it comes to countries with the best schools and providing the best education. What fascinated me so much about this article was how 100 percent, completely different they run their education system than the U.S. does. For one, NCLB would NEVER exist in Finland, heck they don't make their students take standardize after standardize test year after year. Their is one test that Finnish students take and that is in high school. What really impressed me with the Finnish education system is that there are no private schools in Finland, and only 6 independent schools. Finland really does provide the same opportunities for every student in the country (U.S. tries to do this but fails).  Parents can choose which school they want their children to attend, but everyone has the same choices therefore all children get the same opportunities to learn and be successful. Finland has eliminated competition by giving every student the same choices. This is truly a fascinating article that makes you reflect, think and really envision a world in which all children can truly be successful in school! I would love to hear your comments on the article because I am interested in what you all have to say about it. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

student teaching

I am now entering my 6th week of special education student teaching and it has been a great experience thus far. I learning so much for one this experience has showed me that I am picking the right choice by heading into the special education field. I feel like I have so much to offer the field and can relate extremely well to the students in special education. I know what its like to struggle, and dislike school. I also know what its like to feel bored, or completely lost in school as well.

I like to look at student teaching as this consonant experiment. When conducting an experiment often times we as the scientist, try and then perhaps observe or reflect later all the thing within the experiment that went wrong and all of the things within the experiment that went right. Sometimes there might only be one or the other. I have learned thought with every bad experiment, comes at least one good to follow! It's been such a great opportunity to try all these different lessons and ideas out on. I have really begun to see kids transform and make big improvements, and then I have seen kids really make no progress at all. Having the opportunity to see kids improve greatly and meet his/her IEP goals is the reason that I want to go into special education. I want to have the opportunity to see first hand the growth that at least one child can make when put in an environment the child can really take off in. Sometimes all it takes is having that one-on-one setting for a child to reach his or her potential.

Student teaching has taught me so much more than how to be a successful teacher. I knew that this experience would provide me with the tools and training to become a successful teacher, yet I never imagined it would have such an impact on my overall life. Through observations of my mentor and a few other teachers, I have begun to learn how to separate having a school and a home life. Often times we are so submerged in our careers that we forget to relax, revive and remove ourselves from the work day when we are at home. We need time to relax and revive our minds, our bodies and our spirits from whatever profession we are involved with. I have begun to learn how to keep work "at work" and then have time for other things when at home.  I think this has been one of the best things that I can learn thus far. Life is short and we need to enjoy it when we can! I also have learned ways to be more organized, communicate a little bit better and even be successful with an established routine. One of the greatest things that I have learned from my first 5 weeks of student teaching, is how much I love working with kids everyday!

Cheers to all those good teachers out there, continue to work hard empower young minds and encourage positivity throughout the school year. It has been so great to see good teachers continue to spread the love and importance of education in our society.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

my 9/11 thoughts...

Today I saw sign that said "stop and reflect" and it really encouraged me to reflect. I think 9/11 is a perfect day to take time to think and reflect about our lives, our nation, ourselves, our relationships and our futures. It really made me take a little hike into nature to stop and reflect.

I am so happy to have a family that loves me, supports me and encourages me to be better everyday! 
I am so grateful to live in a country that still believes in free speech, free and fair education, and the right towards life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 
I am so happy and thankful for all my wonderful relationships with my good friends and great boyfriend. 
I am so lucky to be entering a profession that I am truly passionate about and feel like its my calling in life.
I feel so privileged that I have been able to travel to some beautiful, exotic, fun, diverse and totally life-changing places in the world.
I feel so lucky to live a beautiful place of the U.S. where a ski adventure is only 20 minutes away, or a mountain climb is only a 15 minute drive. Utah is truly a magical and beautiful place with tons of places to explore and see. 
I am so grateful and lucky that I was wearing a bike helmet on the morning of my accident, for it really did save my life. 
But mostly...I am glad that we as a nation took the time today to remember and honor all of those that had fallen for our country. They died so I could continue on my life journey and educate future generations about all the great things that we get to experience as Americans and humans on this Earth. 

To end tonight's post I leave you all with a comment said by Anderson Cooper.... "WE ARE ALL ONE!" Let's not forget this, and let's start to unite together vs. continue to have this political divide within our nation. 

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