The cover of our book!

The cover of our book!
The book that I co-wrote with my wonderful father


Football and Beauty all in one photo

Friday, July 24, 2009

A book update

   We all know that time flies, and it is flying closer to my book due date of September 1st. I am starting to feel super stressed and a bit nervous how much still has to be done for the baseball book. While I am working profoundly on trying to get my portions done, and done well, the pressure is mounting.  I feel as if I am trying to unclog the bathroom sink carefully and with organization and a well-thought out plan, but the pressure keeps mounting to a point where it's going to explode all over me. 
    I am writing one to two entries everyday, draft after draft. I feel as if my day of writing goes like this do the research, fact check the information, write a draft, do some more research, edit my draft, and then take a break to only do that again. It's a never ending cycle.  
   While I feel a bit stressed, I am enjoying the book writing experience.  I have learned so much about the process, the effort and the amount of dedication it takes to write a book. I cannot believe how many books my father has written over his life. My writing has drastically improved because of this experience. I am better at transitions, and sentences. Even my vocabulary has improved as well. 
    So all in all, I am excited to be heading into the last stages of the book writing process! Seeing the final copy will make all this stress and hard work worth while. 

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