The cover of our book!

The cover of our book!
The book that I co-wrote with my wonderful father


Football and Beauty all in one photo

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A few great quotes, for a few great people!

To go along with my last post, I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes that I have seen lately. These quotes are positive and great daily reminders about becoming the best possible you. Whenever I am having a bad day, I will look at some of these quotes and it helps to remind myself of who I am and where I want to be.

"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."
- Sacrates-

"Let the past fall away
Let the future fall away
Let the present moment be perfect!"
- Steve Norval-

Life is easy
Life is good
Let all good things come to me!
- The Secret-

"Use the light within you to regain your natural clearness of light."
- Loa Teu-

I am just wanting to spread the love, kindness and positive aura to everyone!
Love you all.

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