The cover of our book!

The cover of our book!
The book that I co-wrote with my wonderful father


Football and Beauty all in one photo

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I just spent the last weekend at one of my best friend's weddings and it was truly beautiful. We are at that stage of our lives now, aren't we? Gotch most of us are only 23, 24, 25 and so many of us are getting engaged or married. It is so weird to think that we have reached that stage of life, but I guess we have.

While currently I am not in that stage of my life, I have more and more appreciated those who are. My friends that are in that stage have really shown me what true love is about. I have enjoyed being invited to celebrate love, happiness and joy with all of them. Nothing makes me happier than to see those closest to me happily in love!

Having the opportunity to celebrate Rudi and Kristin's wedding with them was truly a special moment in my life. I feel so deeply loved, but so fortunate and lucky to have Rudi and now Kristin as two amazing friends. Hearing the both of them read their homemade vows was a beautiful moment. It brought tears to every person that got to witness them and once again reaffirmed that true love does exist.

So here is to all of you in that stage of your life...may the love never dry out, and may it continue to flow freely!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Oh Thanksgiving time!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Enjoy the holiday season, make sure it is filled with love and happiness. While the holidays can be stressful, they also can be relaxing and very fun. With the words of Simon and Garfunkel to help us all remember to stay relaxed, enjoy the season of spending time with great family and friends.

"Slow down, you move too fast.
You got to make the morning last.
Just kicking down the cobble stones.

Looking for fun and feelin’ groovy.”


We need to learn to stop making the holidays this commerical corporation, and start to make it what it is really about: Love, generosity, beauty, family, friends and spending time and doing fun things together!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


It all starts back to the spring/summer of 2008, I had just graduated from Oregon State and not only said goodbye to all my friends there, but had to see one of them move to Japan. One in particular that was one the closest people to me. My two best girlfriends from high school were both moving to Texas and for me that felt and still feels far. One to pursue her PhD from Baylor, the other to teach at a Catholic school in Harlington, near the boarder. While it was hard to say goodbye, I know that I'll be seeing them again real soon.

Then I moved to Utah and had an up and down year, but I eventually did meet some great people. One in particular that still to this day has shown me so much love, and so much inspiration. He captured my heart, and then I had to say goodbye to him summer of 2009 as he started a new path in his life of going to Medical School to become a doctor. If our paths are meant to cross again in the future they will. I totally believe that faith will bring us back to one another, so let's see if that does happen.

I have found myself saying goodbye to so many of my closest, dearest and best friends and it will just continue. I guess I have gotten a lot better at saying goodbye. I think to really sum it up best is through a quote by Owl City from their single Fireflies "I am weird, because I hate goodbyes and I got misty eyes as they said farewell."

Then there was my dear friend Adam, a good old Oregon boy who moved from the Rose city to one of the heartlands of the Midwest, Nebraska. As he moved for numerous reasons; a chance at to pursue a PhD and a continual of his relationship with his girlfriend. While it was really hard to say goodbye to him especially because he stopped by Salt Lake on his way out there and hung out with me for a night, it was even harder to think that I might not see him again. Adam is one friend I am unsure whether I'll see him again in life. I hope that I do, but I am unsure. Adam and I have been to the moon and back with our friendship and it is sad to think that maybe that is it. We have survived the hard, and awkard times and have come out even closer. LIke with Wilson, hopefully it is the cards to see him again as well. I am crossing my fingers!

While we probably all hate to say goodbye, it is a part of life that is constant. Now a new slew of goodbyes is in order, first to my dear friend Sean who is moving to Thailand in January. I am so excited for him though because I know he has been wrestling with this thought for months now. I know that his new life path will lead him to timeless adventures and be something that he will remember for ever. So while my eyes will be a bit misty, I know that only great opportunities, new life growth, and awesome adventures are in his future. I am confident that Sean and I will be saying hello to one another again someday. I have a good feeling about that.

Sometimes the best things about goodbyes are that I get to visit Sean and others and see all of their crazy, fun adventures as well as have some of my own! Also with goodbyes are a chance for some new hellos in the future. So while I am hate them, I do embrace and accept them.

Hopefully I will get to soon say hello again to the following people: Sarah, Adriana, David, Matt, Adam, Wilson, Leslie, Laura and Sean!

Monday, November 16, 2009


So the farther I get into my Masters of Teaching program the more I realize how much work needs to be done in our country for education to advance and get better, equal for everyone. Did you know that currently 1 in 5 students in the U.S. public schools are foreign born. As we continue in the 21st century and beyond this number is most likely to increase. If that isn't enough perspective than did you know that there are 450 different written or spoken languages in our public schools. With all of this, where does our education system go from here?

The more I am learning about becoming a teacher, the more I am realizing the need for highly qualified teachers. Teaching needs to be thought of as a highly-qualified profession. If someone wants to be a doctor he or she must go to medical school, then do a few more years of residency in order to finally be a real doctor professional. If someone wants to be a lawyer, he or she must first take the LSATs and if accepted, attend law school for three years to finally get the title of lawyer. Why is it not the same way for teaching? Why is it one of the few professions that "anyone" can do it? That is the message we send: well anyone can be a teacher, truthfully NOT EVERYONE can be. Not everyone will make a qualified teacher, some people are just not meant to be a teacher. The qualifications to become a teacher should be more strict. If we could have better teachers that can differentiate lesson plans, use funds of knowledge and be able to get to know our students then our education system would be drastically better just based off that.

The more I learn, the more I see the need for reform. While my experience becoming a highly-qualified teacher has been pretty intense, it is absolutely awesome. I am learning so much and I am having the opportunity to engage in thought provoking conversations and discussions. I love this program, it let's me think outside the box.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oh I love reflections!

Hello folks:

Wow it has been so long since I've updated my blog and I do apologize. My life has been insanely busy since the start of my master's program however, that is no excuse. Life is going great right now. I have almost survived the first month of my MAT program at Westminster College in SLC and I must say it is such a splendid program. I am engaging in the process of learning in so many new, and exciting ways. The great think about learning to become a teacher is that I can use so many of the practices in my everyday life.

Learning how to teach Elementary school math is allowing me to rethink how I problem solve everyday problems as well as those in my text book. With new ways of thinking and new processes being shown me to, is helping me in all aspects of my life! I have never been more excited to go to class and learn. This program has helped me to be more confident in the knowledge that I have, and the knowledge that I am incorporating. I feel more empowered and I have this new appreciation of learning and it is helping me to think outside the box!

This program is giving me so many opportunities to become the best teacher that I can be. It also is giving me great practice with tons of in-service opportunities in the field. Right now I am volunteering in an after-school program, as well as working with a child with disabilities one-on-one in a classroom, and lastly I am tutoring an ELL child with his English. Then to top it off, I am still an assistant swim coach for a high school. Talk about four completely different opportunities! life is crazy, but I am absolutely loving it.

I am growing up, and trying to take in every moment that I have in these vast opportunities. I am trying to take what I learn and apply it to all areas of my life. Next up...conflict resolution using this specific approach that I learned today.

Well till next time; may you fly high and soar large!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A pre-teacher full of gratitude

My status as a student is beginning today. This is round two of the student status because I am a "serious graduate student!" I went to orientation yesterday and this MAT program is going to be a tough one. Getting just my Elementary Education Masters isn't enough, I need to add Special Education to the mix and that my friends, is what will make this a lot tougher. I really thought about teaching Special Education and I think it's what I am supposed to do. It's my life calling and I need to follow the calling.

I think my program is going to fabulous. All my classes will be small and the professors are really there to help me succeed and become the best teacher possible. I love the Westminster College. It has such a homey, warm place to be. Everyone is so nice, so helpful and so excited for the school year. I believe that it takes a village to raise a child, and I think this also applies to teaching. I think it takes a village to teach children and I feel like I get that at Westminster. Everyone is working to help you towards your end of goal of being an amazing, highly-qualified, and well-sought out teacher.

I am excited to start this process of becoming a qualified teacher!

So today Jenna's grateful for the chance to learn how to become a qualified, confident and amazing elementary school or Special Education teacher. I am grateful to start this journey towards my future career =).

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A grateful family with visits, and fun

Jenna's Grateful... for family visits! My mom has been visiting my sister and I now for a three days and it's been wonderful. I love when she comes to visit us because she makes us delicious dinners that we not only eat while she is in town, but for us to eat at later dates after she freezes it. She brings warmth into the house like hot chocolate does on a cold, stormy day. It really is so comforting to have you in our presence. To top off my mother being here was my cousin seeing my mom, sister and I for a half day despite our prior clashes with one another. She is a beautiful, intelligent, and very mature 21-year-old who can enlighten us all. My cousin had been working and interning in Washington D.C. for the entire summer and on her way home to McCall, Idaho stopped in SLC to see all of us with her boyfriend that now lives here. It was a very good visit surprisingly. I was so zealous to see her and get along with her as well. So tonight I am so grateful for great family who is always supportive, always loving and always wanting to visit you and make you dinners for future nights. Family is truly a gift all wrapped up in beautiful paper with a bow on top.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A few things to be grateful for!

Jenna's Grateful... For reasonable rent in a nice house owned by my sister. I have been struggling a bit with money lately, so it's nice to know that I am able to live in a nice place for a reasonable price. Thanks Jaron!

Is grateful for Salt Lake's summer days that are always so gorgeous, so warm, and so sunny. I haven't had a short storage of vitamin D since I've lived here do to the sunshine all year round. It's like southern California but with snow in the winter and less humidity in the summer.

Is grateful for her ability to start graduate school next Wednesday. I am so lucky, grateful and happy to know that I can afford to send myself to grad school. I was fortunate that my parents were willing to help pay for my undergraduate degree and that let me save money for graduate school. I am also grateful for governmental assistance to complete the ability to go to graduate school!

My last bit of gratitude today is towards my dogs. I am grateful for Tag and Smoot (our newest dog) because they are full of energy all the time, fun loving and are never mad at you. Actually all they want is to give you their love! Love that is always pure, always truthful and always soft.

side note...Tag is the one in the photo. He is six years old, and is one of a kind! He loves to chase birds, talk to us, chase balls, go swimming and lick off your skin!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Grateful health

Jenna's Grateful...Today I am grateful for how millions of Americans are taking a stand to show their opinion, their thoughts and their favors for or against health care reform in our country. It's so nice to see freedom of speech being displayed all across the U.S. Whether you support nationalized health care or not, people are making and taking a stand. I felt as if citizens in this country forgot what taking a stand was all about and now I see that we haven't. People of all sorts are coming together and demonstrating how they feel about this topic. Today there was a rally in Atlanta, GA. that 4.5 million people attended to get voices heard. If anything this health care talk is sparking people to action. So today, I am grateful for not only my ability to state my opinion on this very issue, and other issues, but grateful that myself and other Americans are taking a stand and telling our congressmen and women what we want and what we don't want. We are finally getting our voices heard and that my friends, is a beautiful thing!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A BOOK of gratitude!

Jenna's Grateful...So I have been a bit stressed with trying to finish this book that I am writing and then it occurred to me how lucky I am to be writing one. I was thinking about it so much last night and I realized that by the time I am 24 I will be a published author.  It didn't really hit me until last night that my book would be up for sale in numerous book stores across the country and maybe even in Japan too. Wow, what an accomplishment! I am so lucky to have been giving this opportunity from my father. I am so thankful to have a father that has work so hard for over 40 years to get where he is today not only for himself but for his family too. He has given me windows of opportunity to do whatever I want in the world, and without him and all of his hard work I would not be getting a book published. He has shown me how to work hard, but also how working hard can help me achieve all my dreams in my life! This is a dream come true and something I will be proud of for the rest of my life. Even I don't ever get published again, at least I was published one time in my life! I love how I will be able to show my future kids that I was a published author.  I will be ever grateful and happy for this opportunity. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

IPhone- more like ILife!

Jenna's Grateful... I Phones are truly a beautiful thing.  Talk about having everything you want on your phone! You need to check an email, no problem with the IPhone- you need to find out where you are going, good thing for the IPhone map that allows you to type in any address any place in the U.S. or even Canada from your current location and magically the phone gives you directions. I am so grateful to have been giving the opportunity to have an IPhone. While I hate being attached to my phone, I feel that we live in a time where that would happen regardless. With that said, I am grateful to be attached to my IPhone instead of my razor. The IPhone has brought simplicity to my life, which is a bit ironic for a phone that does so much! I find myself wasting less time while on the go then without it. So today I am grateful for that. 

Friday, July 31, 2009

Jenna's Grateful... for having the opportunity to see another part of our great country this weekend. I have never been to Smoot, Wyoming, which according to the 2000 census has a total of 182 people currently living there. Talk about small town USA!  I love visiting new places, emerging in new cultures and meeting new people so this trip should include all of that. I am also really grateful to be able to see the county fair and get another take on the town's attitude. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So my friend Sarah is blogging about something everyday that she is grateful for, so I have decided to continue this trend and do my own. 

Jenna's Grateful:  for recently being able to buy her very first new/used car! I have always been a hard worker who has always been responsible with her money and it's finally paid off. I was recently able to buy my first car ever a used 2008 Suburb Impreza. I am so thankful for having the money-but mostly having the patience to find the car that is perfect for me. I know that most people, including myself have had a hard time in a bad economy and I have been blessed to be able to buy such a needed car.  

Friday, July 24, 2009

A book update

   We all know that time flies, and it is flying closer to my book due date of September 1st. I am starting to feel super stressed and a bit nervous how much still has to be done for the baseball book. While I am working profoundly on trying to get my portions done, and done well, the pressure is mounting.  I feel as if I am trying to unclog the bathroom sink carefully and with organization and a well-thought out plan, but the pressure keeps mounting to a point where it's going to explode all over me. 
    I am writing one to two entries everyday, draft after draft. I feel as if my day of writing goes like this do the research, fact check the information, write a draft, do some more research, edit my draft, and then take a break to only do that again. It's a never ending cycle.  
   While I feel a bit stressed, I am enjoying the book writing experience.  I have learned so much about the process, the effort and the amount of dedication it takes to write a book. I cannot believe how many books my father has written over his life. My writing has drastically improved because of this experience. I am better at transitions, and sentences. Even my vocabulary has improved as well. 
    So all in all, I am excited to be heading into the last stages of the book writing process! Seeing the final copy will make all this stress and hard work worth while. 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Yay for the 4th of July =)

Since July 4th is approaching in two days, it got me realizing how much I love this holiday! Yes it is when our great nation found independence and found its voice. I am so thankful to live in a nation where I could protest, write, and say anything that I feel. I am also so thankful to have rights as an independent, single woman.  I have the opportunity to have a job, drive a car, take birth control and have the ability to leave my house wearing whatever I feel. I love my country even though at times I do not show it. I feel bad humans, especially women and especially in Iran that do not get to enjoy the same rights that I do. 

But there is more to the 4th of July then our nation's birthday of independence. It is a holiday where old friends reunite after long periods of absence, or families coming together for a complete celebration together. This will be the first time in years that my whole family will be together for the fourth and I couldn't be happier. Last year it was my sister missing, and this year she is with us on Bainbridge to celebrate the fourth. 

Bainbridge Island, Washington has a very special celebration of July 4th and it is another reason why I love this holiday. B.I. brings back the love of small town America every day but especially on the 4th with it's annual July 3rd street dance and beer garden and then following that with a July 4th parade, 5k run and vendors! I love being back on Bainbridge to celebrate another independence year.

This year my family is having a party after the 4th of July crazyness downtown. We are having a get together with old friends that most of us haven't seen in a few years. This party is featuring horseshoe throwing, badminton playing, beer drinking, watermelon and other food eating good time.  

Lastly we are all taking another family photo as it is one of the few times we will all be together. 

So remember that not only are we celebrating the birth of our great nation, but we are celebrating love and fun with family, friends (new and old,) pets, neighbors and whole communities! July 4th is a celebration bringing everyone together-- after all that is what America is all about! 

Monday, June 29, 2009

FOOD for thought

Sometimes I dislike how far away I live from people that I care so much about like really good friends. Why do I bring this up? I have felt recently, (well in the last two days) that I haven't been the greatest friend to one of my best friend's Sarah. A tragic event happened to someone she cared so deeply for a month ago and I didn't know about till now. Grant it I was in Europe when it happened so I guess I have a little bit of lee way but still I should've known about this awful event and been there for Sarah.  She lives in Texas and I live in Utah and yet I feel so far away.  I feel millions of miles away to be exact. 

I dislike how life gets to be so busy to the point where we get lost, entangled or consumed in our everyday lives.  We sometimes forget about what is important like old friends who live in different parts or distant family.  We sometimes forget to check up on those we love so much that live afar. Sometimes we just need to put our feet on the brakes and take a second to tell those important to us no matter where they are how much we love them and care for them.  If we don't remember to do this, then the next time we blink it could be all over.  WE might not get another chance to say "I love you" to a friend, a significant other, a husband or wife, a pet, a neighbor, a teacher or anyone else that we 

really do love. 

I vow from this day forward to keep in touch and express my love to those people in my life that sometimes get neglected do to my everyday life consumption. I vow to be actively involved and engaged in my friends' lives- the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. I also vow to see friends that live afar once a year at the minimum so they can see how much I love them. 

For all of you that have lost contact with an old them, email them or send them a card expressing how much you miss them, care for them and love them! Because tomorrow you might not have that chance. Take advantage of this present moment to express your love! 

Much love to all,

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Writing a book is similar to learning to ride a bike!

Writing a first book is like learning how to ride a bicycle- an author must inquire a few falls after the training wheels come off. I felt like all the writing classes that I've taken was me with writing training wheels on; and now that I am actual engaged in writing a book I feel like I am experiencing writing with just two wheels. It is amazing to see that two days after an incredible vacation in Europe, I have been strapped to my computer keys writing and researching. Isn't crazy how quickly our lives shift from one thing to the next! If anything, it keeps life exciting.

At first I felt a bit unorganized, and slightly confused about what I was supposed to write. I felt that perhaps I wasn't fit to help my father write one of his dream books on baseball, but then I realized I am fit. I am a good writer who knows a lot about baseball and who has watched her father dive into his love of the sport. I also remembered how much I love going to games with him and having that father/daughter bonding time revolve around baseball. I realized that I have wanted to be a published author ever since I was 15-years-old and now my dream is being a reality. I realized that I am more than ready to spend my summer entrenched on my computer giving hours and hours of myself towards looking at a screen while still wearing my PJ's. I realized that I am okay with forgetting to shower at times and being so mentally exhausted that all I want to do is go to bed at 9:30 p.m.

For me this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am diving with my dad into writing this book and I am so excited to be the one doing the diving versus the one watching the dives (as I have in the past.) What I am most excited about is sharing my good days/ my bad days and the one's in between with all of you and sharing it with my father as well! I cannot wait to see my name and my photo on the cover of a book that will be sold in bookstores all over America. Is this really happening? IT REALLY IS!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I haven't updated everyone on my European holiday as the Brit's would say it, so I will give one now. After Vienna, Jake and I traveled to Ljubljana Slovenia and stayed there for a day and a half. We stayed in the most posh, and artsy hostel ever. It was really eccentric and very fancy for hostels. In every room was an artistic wall with different drawings in every square hole. The bed was high up and you needed to climb stairs in order to get to bed. This hostel is known for its artsy feel to it. There was a live band that played in the restaurant the first night we stayed there. Hostelers could even pay a small fee to take a painting class. Hosteling in Ljubljana was it's own adventure in it self.

Ljubljana is one of the youngest cities that I have ever been to. One in every five citizens of the city is a college student. Ljubljana is about the size Eugene or Corvallis, Oregon. Population wise, Slovenia is only home to two million people. Ljubljana is a fun town with lots of jazz and live music clubs scattered around the city. It is also nicknamed "the dragon city" because a Greek Prince named Jason stole a gold fleece from King Aites, and therefore resulting himself and his followers to flee from the town of Argonauts. They sailed the Black Sea up the Danube, from the Danube into the Sava, and from the Sava to Ljublijana. Jason encountered a terrible monster "the dragon," which he fought and slew in order for him and his followers to inhabit the town. This is the reason for the nickname.

Jake and I trekked up to visit the castle where Jason slewwed the monster and toured around it. The view was absolutely gorgeous from the top. It overlooks the entire city. We also ate local Slovenian food which is delicious, just like Czech food was. I had a chilli with susuage in it. We also went through the fresh market, toured and walked around the entire city and took lovely photos.

Then we headed on a train to go to Croatia. This was supposed to be an easy train ride, but as we have learned about Croatia it was anything but that! After a train, a bus, a train and finally a bus again, we arrived in Zagreb, Croatia's capital. Zagreb is nothing worth talking about sadly, however other parts of Croatia are. All we wanted to do was get to the beach and be done with traveling. By that point we both we're exhausted and did not feel like walking around a foreign city with all of our bags to only have to catch a night train later that evening. We walked around for an hour and then decided that we had enough of that. We decided to sit in a hot, smelly and gross bus station for hours to await our 11-hour departure to Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Finally 11-hours later we arrived at 5:45 a.m. There are no hostels in Dubrovnik instead people rent out private rooms or private apartments to tourists. We went on hostel and found good reviews, and even a stellar price with this man named Anton. He is such a sweet person. We picked us up finally after waiting two hours in the station. He bought us orange sweet nectar juice and was willing to drive us up to the fort, which the Serbian Army attacked. The fort was really neat because it gave a vast history of the Croatian-Serbian War that lasted till 1991. Croatia did not gain independence till 1992 and the war lasted three years. The Dubnovik citizens of 200 defeated the Serbian Army. The view from the fort looked down onto the city, and the vast islands around it. It was a gorgeous view indeed and a beautiful photo of Jake and I despite our apparent gross smelly clothes and bodies.

From there we stayed close and explored a bit. We spent three hours on a beach called Victoria off the Mediterian Sea with an absolutely beautiful view. It was one of the few sandy beaches on the island.

Then we spent the next three days touring different islands. The first island that we toured, Jake and I accidentally ended up going to the nude beach. It actually was a very unique and good experience, despite the old naked men. We just tried not to look in their direction. The nude beach was so awesome because of the excellent cliffs surrounding the beach, which were nice for jumping off of. We jumped off quite a bit and took photos of us jumping in. We met a nice English and very naked couple willing to have massive conversations with us and take our photos as well. It was a lovely and unique experience indeed. I had fun!

Then we went to this island called Mjlet that had the oldest National Park on it in all of Croatia. Needing a break from the direct sun, Jake and I hiked all around the park. We did not realize just how massive this park was. We saw an Monastery that was built in the 12th century and we saw two beautiful lakes. We had a bit more of an adventure when Jake decided that we needed to walk back on the other side of the park which is only assessible by swimming over, 20 meters so about the length of the pool. Usually that would not be a problem at all since Jake and I love to swim and all however, this time it would be challenging. For one either of us had our fancy chacos, which would have been the perfect shoe to have on this hike secondly there were sea urchains all over the rocks and bottom of the shallow water which would hurt mightly if we were to step on one and lastly we had a backpack full of our stuff including electronics like a camera and that could not get wet. We then had a great time of trying to figure out how in the world we would be able to get our stuff to the other side without getting it wet. Jake decided he would egg beater his backpack over without the electronics in it and I took a video of him trying to get across. It was quite entertaining and quite nerve racking at the same time. I then had to egg beater my way over to the other side and hold my camera and water in both of my hands above my head. Getting passed the sea urchains was the hardest part, but we both found success! Jake rented a car and then we cruised the rest of the island by car and let the wind take our hair.

Today has been the hottest thus far and it was hard to lay on a beach for a while without getting crisp red. We took our last ferry ride to the last island we wanted to explore while in Croatia and it happened to have the only sandy beach on it. It was so bloody hot today that we had to buy an umbrella and lounge chair just to survive and have a bit of shade. Today was the day that I managed to get sunburn of course it was the last day. Jake and I swam around a portion of the island and saw all of the beautiful sailboats that were docked there.

I was totally exhausted and therefore done with this entry! We are headed to Milan tomorrow via ferry. Only ten more days till I am back. It has been great traveling with my brother and I am totally happy I decided to come. We have bonded and gotten along quite well.

Till next time-tat tat

Monday, May 18, 2009

Biking our way around Vienna!

Renting bikes turned out to be quite the good idea because we saw so much of Vienna today. We probably saw most of Vienna pedaling our way around the city. One thing I really like about this city is entire lanes devoted to bikes, and pedestrians. Austrians are so fit because most people ride bikes, or walk everywhere do to these devoted lanes. I wish more cities in America had devoted, and very exclusive bike lanes. We biked all around this little island along the Donaukan River again strictly devoted to bikers and walkers. The whole loop is 21 kilometers long and absolutely gorgeous. It felt like we were int he country, yet we were still in the heart of the city. We saw people swimming in the river, as well as wind surfing and kiteboarding. Literally this city never stops be active! After that we road into the city centre and saw the Parliment building and Vienna University. We got a bit lost causing us to see a lot more of the city on the wheels of our bikes, which was nice. Jake and I road bikes for a good 5.5 hours! We cannot say that we biked around Europe, but we can say we biked around Vienna.

I am so tired today after our biking adventure. Tomorrow we are going to see the Palace, and Parliment building and then we hop on a train to Slovenia. Good night and good day!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prague and Vienna!

My Prague or Praha adventure as it is written in Czech finished off well. My brother and I went to the Prague Castle and he gave me a tour. His knowledge of Prague is impressive after he completed Czech History while studying aboard. The view of the city was absolutely gorgeous and totally worth the walk. We toured around the castle town and Jake continued to enhance my knowledge of the area. We also went out to dinner for traditional Czech food, which is delicious. The thought of eating the potato soup right now is making my mouth water.  Jake and I shared a half portion of the duck and we each had a beer. I love Czech beer especially Budweiser. To finish my time in Prague, we ate dinner with Jake's Australian friend Nick and went out one last time to Terminex, a gay bar. Terminex offers great dancing and amazing people! We went out with a few of Jake's friends and took some awesome photos of us at the bar. Jake's friend Mike bought us sparkling wine for his last night and I had a blast with his Russian girlfriend. We decided to have a photo shoot at the bar! 

Today we took the four hour train ride to Vienna, Austria. The ride featured vast landscapes, and beautiful country sides. I love how green Austria is! As I was sitting in the train, I noticed wind creating a lot of energy all throughout the country side of Austria. In Vienna everyone rides bikes, uses metros or trains.  It is so nice to see a country so devoted towards clean energy. People really care about their health here and it is awesome to see.  I am throughly enjoying my time thus far in Vienna. 

Jake and I are staying at a hostel famous not just in Austria, but in Europe as well. It was a bit difficult for us to find the hostel when we first arrived because we do not know any German. Jake has a friend that lives in Vienna and we met up with him for a bit to eat and a coffee. His sister lives in Salt Lake and I look forward to meeting her when I head back. John is fluent in three different languages and works in Slovakia as a real estate agent. He is pretty cool and I enjoyed meeting him. 

Tomorrow is a busy day, we are renting bikes and sight seeing. Vienna has such a homey feel to it and I am excited to explore it. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Adventures in Prague!

I have almost been in Prague for a week now and have seen a lot of the city. One interesting fact about Prague that I did not know prior to coming here was that this is considered the "most romantic city" in all of Europe. At first this information shocked me because I have always heard as Paris or Venice being quite romantic, and never Prague. But after talking to different people and hearing other tourists talk, I have learned this to be true. It make senses while people would say this. Prague is absolutely gorgeous and has amazing architecture. What makes Prague so unique is its architecture diversity-- everything from castles to ancient Catholic Churches to even more modern forms. The style of buildings are totally diverse as well. Prague has often been dubbed the "textbook of architecture" because the city has captured architectural structures from the 10th century onwards to the present. The different styles that I have seen within this city have been romanesque style, Gothic style, Renaissance, Baroque, Classic style, Art Nouveau, Cubism, Functionalism and contemporary architecture. I have thoroughly enjoyed walking around this city and checking it's magnificent buildings and structures.

Yesterday I went to the Franz Kaftka museum. He was and still is one of the Czech Republic's biggest and most influential writers of all time. Kafta lived a dark life and often wrote about all the darkness in his novels, letters, and short stories. What makes Kafta so amazing is his ability to use dark and depressing words and turn them into beautiful sentences. He can capture so much within one sentence to the point that you almost forget how dark and depressed he found his life to be. I found the exhibit to be quite interesting and I really was able to read a lot of his passages, and sentences. I ended buying one of his books which is titled America. After learning a lot about each book he wrote, I was intrigued by this story. To finish off my day yesterday, Jake and I walked around his school (Charles University.) We walked through the cementary, by the gorgeous Catholic Church and we walked up to the beautiful view of the city. The university is up on a hill so you can really get a great sky view of the city. Jake told me everything he knew about King Charles the IV and the time that he ruled.

One other fasinating thing about Prague that I did no know until I got here, was that 94% of the city is athiest. That was shocking to me because there are so many churches and synagogues here.

I experienced my first gay bar in Europe called Friends. It was a fun place to go and meet cool people. My brother and I met up with an friend from high school who also studied aboard in Prague as well. We had a blast getting back together and having fun. It is a Karoke bar and there is nothing better than seeing gay Czech guys trying to sing to American pop songs! I also went to a Herda bar, which is a 24 hour bar and casino. The casinos are so funny and so small here. Lastly, I experienced my first Lesbian bar as well. I danced the night away while we were there. Overall it was an interesting and very cultural experience. Tonight we are going to a couple new bars, hopefully one can be a straight bar for myself (not that I did not enjoy both the gay and the lesbian bars) because I did. It would just be nice to mix it up a bit.

I am headed to the Jewish Quarter today to explore that section of town, and eat and drink some delicious Czech food and beer! I am also hoping to explore a few more musuems before we depart on Sunday.

Love and miss you all,

Monday, May 4, 2009

Officially I leave for Europe well Prague, Vienna, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy to be exact in six days! In that six days span I also complete my job at Salt Lake Community College in the athletic department as well. With budget cuts, my job was getting cut after this year and I just decided I would end sooner.  I am thankful to know that it is all almost over.  While this work year has been an excellent learning adventure-- it wouldn't be an adventure that I would sign up for again. I feel like a new chapter of my life is emerging with the start of my trip to Europe, writing a book with my father and starting graduate school all in the next three months. 

Europe is phrase one of this new start.  I haven't more excited to go on an adventure, than I have been with this trip. It is a much needed vacation and a much needed rebuild on my life. I started to feel as if I was drowning in my own emotions, thoughts and ideas. I have needed to capture a clear head and I think going to Europe is going to help achieve this desire. At first I stressed do to the fact that I didn't know how I was going to pay for this trip. That stress went away when my mom told me that I should use some of the saving bonds I received when I was little, so I am. What is even more crazy about this, is that I have way more money accumulated from these bonds then I ever would have imaged.  So some of the money is for Europe and some of it is going towards my car/school fund. I feel pretty content knowing that my savings bonds have gone a long way.

For all of you worried I wouldn't keep an active blog while I travel, I have great news that I will be keeping an active blog. I will update you all with my wonderful trip with my brother and our crazy times. I also will be adding numerous pictures (which I am bad at, but I will get better,) and adding my absolute expressions!

So in six days I am to a month of adventures, fun and overly zealous times. It will help me to become refreshed, renewed and totally relaxed again. HOORAY! 

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Getting handed the friend card

   If I get "I just want to be friends" card one more time by a guy, after we became more than friends I am going to scream.  Seriously, I am so tired of this sequence which seems to happen to me time after time. Is it me, or is it the type of guys that I choose to date? 
   What is worse than getting the friend card is seeing the guys that I used to date or my so-called friend find another girl to date right afterwards. That too has happened to me.  
   So I told myself I wouldn't vent about this new encounter of my recent friend card drawing, but it did just happen and I am a bit frailed and bit sadden by this new encounter. I knew the inevitable would be coming in the future, but I wasn't ready this soon. I am not ready to accept this new outcome, not yet at least.  I guess it is good that I am going to Europe in a week because I definitely need a new scene at the moment. 
   Europe is going to be a blast, five countries in three and a half weeks with my brother who is Mr. Social and Mr. Popular it can't get much better than that. I'll be traveling and able to flirt with Italian men, Croatian men, Czech me, Austrian men, and Slovanian men all I want and not feel guility! 
   I know that someday some guy will really want to be with me, love me and just want to be with me.  He won't hand me the friend card after we have dated for a month and a half, instead we'll continue to date and continue to grow in our relationship. 
   To put a positive spin, things like this only make me stronger and more of an awesome woman. 

Much Love,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yoga Mania!

    This year I have really started to embrace yoga.  I absolutely love participating in the practices. Yoga is more than exercise for me, it's a release, my zen and a chance for me to engage in mind and body development and challenges. I also love it because I have met so many wonderful, open-minded and fun people in my classes.  Yoga also attracts good looking men, so that is the icing on the cake.  
    I have been doing yoga on a regular base since January, twice a week in a classroom setting and twice on my own in the morning. I do a form of yoga called "Sola Yoga."  With this form everyone uses a stick to help enhance poses that might be difficult for some and it helps to further extend the pose. This is the first Yoga class in which I really love and using a stick has helped that love. 
    There are so benefits for Yoga like flexibility, an improved physical and mentally state of mind, openness, energy and it helps to improve your brain memory. I have noticed how much Yoga has helped my snowboarding.  After boarding all day I realized this. I was exhausted after a day of boarding in fresh powder and usually that means I have to stop, but today nothing could stop me! My body somehow continued and continued with ease and with confident. I got better the more tired I got.  It was awesome! Yoga has given me so much more endurance, confidence and flexibility. 
     It has absolutely helped to change my life.  Nothing beats doing some Yoga overseeing a gorgeous mountain! 
     If anyone is interested in incorporating Yoga into their daily lives, then check out, it'll change your life!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So I applied to graduate school at Westminster College in Salt Lake for my Masters in the Art of Teaching. I am also hoping to either get a certificate in Special Education or English as a Second Language. I would love to teach aboard for a summer, or perhaps even a year. The one great thing about this year was that I started to figure out exactly what I want to do with my life. I am engaged in the Sport's world as a profession right now and I realize how much it stresses me out. I want to be in a profession, and a job that I love and that I can truly be creative and be myself in.

Westminster is such a perfect fit for me. I did the big University for my under-graduate degree and I think going smaller for my graduate degree is a good idea. The class size ratio is 11 to 1 and I like the way the program is run and set up. I love Liberal Art Schools!

All I have to do now is get in! Hopefully I'll find out in one week whether my dream will come true or not. I have confidence that it will.

I'll keep you all updated.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A few great quotes, for a few great people!

To go along with my last post, I wanted to share some of my favorite quotes that I have seen lately. These quotes are positive and great daily reminders about becoming the best possible you. Whenever I am having a bad day, I will look at some of these quotes and it helps to remind myself of who I am and where I want to be.

"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom."
- Sacrates-

"Let the past fall away
Let the future fall away
Let the present moment be perfect!"
- Steve Norval-

Life is easy
Life is good
Let all good things come to me!
- The Secret-

"Use the light within you to regain your natural clearness of light."
- Loa Teu-

I am just wanting to spread the love, kindness and positive aura to everyone!
Love you all.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

an update

   I feel like it's been forever since my last post.  I apologize about that.  Life has been moving fast for me lately, and I guess I was just trying to keep up.  I have been keeping up thanks to my dedication to yoga and mediation practices which have kept me feeling refreshed and energized. It is absolutely amazing how much more flexible I have gotten by committing myself to practicing yoga twice a week. I also have gotten a lot of tension out of my body by practicing Yoga. During today's practice, I did my first headstand ever on my own. How exciting is that? 
    Whenever I am going through something tough in my life nowadays, I sit down and mediate it out to come up with a solution or just to think.  Mediating my conflicts out of my life has been going really well for me. I urge everyone to try mediation, it not only helps to energize you, but it can work to heal you as well. People have proven that it keeps them healthy and decreases their chances of diseases.  
    In general I have been studying alternative medicine since the beginning of January.  I am so curious about other forms of medicine besides our traditional western ways. Since researching and learning more about my mind and body connection, it has helped me to see different forms of medication. Recently, I have been seeing an acunpunturist and it has done wonders for myself. I have started to feel my chi and my spirits constantly high. I also am doing a research paper on body workers. I don't know too much yet, but when I do I will blog about it. 
     If you are interested in learning about alternative medicines and mind and body connection then check out this book The Perfect Health by Deepak Chopva. 

Monday, February 9, 2009

Amo a la Salsa!

    While I was in Oregon, I did some quick salsa dancing with my friend Matt and it made me realize how much I love it.  So two weeks ago I went to this local salsa club in Salt Lake and I had a blast.  Seriously it was so much fun.  I took a free lesson at 9 p.m. and then danced till 11:30. Not only was the dancing fun, but the people were absolutely awesome.  I met so many nice, fun, adventurous and totally cool people.  To add sprinkles to the fabulous night, most of the guys that went were good salsa dancers. They had me spinning, twirling, laughing and moving my hips like I was born dancing. 
     I forgot how much dancing can be. While I dance regardless of my skills, I felt like I was actually decent at dancing salsa. I was throughly impressed with my skills and it felt so good to do something out of the ordinary on a Saturday night. I plan on going a lot more. The club also features other theme dances from all over Latin America.  
   I have taken up three new hobbies lately; knitting, photography and now salsa dancing. I am just trying to mix things up and keep on meeting new people. 

Friday, January 30, 2009

My first teaching experience!

    Today was my first day of being a volunteer teacher's assistant. For all of you whom don't know, I am going to become an Elementary School Teacher. I am in the process of finishing up my Grad application to Westminister College in Salt Lake City, UT.  
    Being in a classroom is so much fun and so exciting. When I walked in to Mrs. Smith's classroom I felt so energized and so warm. Her classroom was brightly colored with lots of teaching tools and arts and crafts. She also has "the magic treehouse" which apparently flew into the classroom magically.  The tree house in the classroom was based off of a series of books about a magical tree house.  The series reminds me of the the Magic School bus books and adventures. 
    Today I helped the kids finish their snowmen sequences.  Not only did the sequence include drawing a snowman and scenery around it, but they also had to start to construct words that were nouns, and adjectives pertaining to their snowmen and their poem. I helped many of the students come up with adjectives to describe their snowmen. Kids can be so creative with words and drawings.  I also got to help the kids with writing perfect sentences about their fellow classmate whom was the "Star Student of the Week."  Every kid eventually gets to be the star of the week which is good.  The kids love writing and they are all so good at it. They wrote such nice things about their classmate. 
    I  had so much fun in the classroom today. Everyday is such an adventure and you are constantly getting to go on awesome adventures with your students. The more I engage with kids, the more I want to teach. 
   After my half day in the classroom, I took my dogs on an intense two-hour hike because they were needing some intense exercise. It was a beautiful day for a hike.  It was 40 degrees, sunny and clear. The sun is so powerful in Utah all year long.  I love going on hikes in the snow especially with all the trees decorated in white, fresh snow.  The snow makes the canyon even more beautiful then it was before. I think my dogs like the snow even more than I do.  One of my dogs, Tag loves to go sledding.  I know what you are thinking a dog sleds?  Yes, that is right.  Tag will slide down little hills that are covered in snow.  It is so funny, and so cute to watch. 

Well time to pick up the delicious Indian food that I ordered. Love and miss you all!  Till next time... JUST DANCE and JUST have FUN! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Being the true me!

My weekend in Oregon was short, yet sweet. I tried to see all of my friends from college in two days, which proved to harder than expected. However, I feel as if I did a pretty good job of accomplishing that task. Being back in Oregon made me realize how much I miss it. While my time in Utah has been an interesting, fun and self-improving, it just isn't Oregon.

My time in Oregon has made me remember to always be myself. Sometimes I hide my true self living in Utah to better fit in. There are constantly societal pressures all around us, and I especially see that living in Utah. I am pressured to meet my "future husband" now. This isn't just a LDS or Christian thing, it is a Utah thing. I am constantly asked, "why aren't you married." Or "I have a son, or a nephew that would be great for you." I feel especially pressured with my neighbors, and my job. I think I hide a bit of myself so people won't judge me right off the bat, or won't critize my life. This impression of my fake self is really quite stupid. Who cares what people think of me? Who cares if I am looked down upon. Who cares if I am 23 and not married? Seriously, I should not feel pressured nor should I stress about what people say or think.

Being back in Oregon totally made me see this. I totally just went wild being myself, and it was so much fun. I was honest and I took chances-like the old me was back-in-action! I am a random person, and this past weekend embraced that. It was totally random, and unexpected. My friend Kayleen told me to just go with the flow, and flowing is what I did. I felt like I was floating a river. I had great conversations, great catch-ups and some great fun all in two days!

Sometimes we are so focused on trying to please others, and "fit in," that we actually lose sight of who we really are, or parts of who we really are. I definitely faked parts of who I was to fit in. There will be no more of that and my true colors, true random risk-taking self will be forever shining!

I have mad love for Oregon and Oregon must have mad love for me because it has helped me out in so many ways!

Friday, January 23, 2009

what a week...

What a week...

1. There is a saying that great Presidents were born, not made. I truly believe that we are finally going to have a great president. Brack is already changing the old ways of Washington my limiting the number of lobbysists and saying that he will not support the funding of them. While history was already made Tuesday electing the first black president, it is the history that has yet to be created that will truly put in the same category and on the same level as John F. Kennedy, Theodore Roosevelt and Mr. Lincoln himself.

2. To top off a new president for a new America, the Oregon State Men's Basketball whom is coached by Michele's brother had a huge upset win against top 25 and tied for first in the Pac 10 California. Talk about a good week for Coach Craig Robinson, you just saw your brother-in-law get sworned in to take the reigns of the highest office in the land and you had the unique and amazing pleasure to sleep in the Lincoln Room of the White House to lastly getting your second Pac 10 win of the season against top-ranked Cal in Berkely and coming-from-behind. Dang, what a week!

3. I am back in the Northwest again and it feels so wonderful! I have been trying to get back to Oregon (Corvallis) now for ages and it finally worked out to be this weekend. I have missed the smell and sight of fresh, large trees that heavily populate Oregon. I have missed the tasty, and regularly alcohol beer from local brewerys all around Oregon and lastly I just missed my friends like Kayleen, Elan, Pete, Ryan, Matt, Janelle, Janele, Megan and Andrea. It is so nice to be able to see them again. I have also throughly enjoyed being able to walk everywhere versus drive. What a nice change, and a needed one at that!

Well I am going to soke up more tree smellings, walks, fresh and local beer, and quality people and submerge myself until I cannot breathe anymore! Till next time; peace, love and pancakes!

Monday, January 19, 2009

What would Dr. Martin Luther King JR think?

    On the eve of Obamanation starting up officially and on the day of one of the greatest heroes in American history it made me wonder what would Dr. King be thinking if he was still alive?        For one, I bet he would be smiling and feeling proud to know that we have taken a big stride with electing Barack Obama. While he would be zealous, I think he would also remind us that we still have more bridges to unite.  There is still hate, prejudices, racism, sexism, class conflicts and judgments. It is a proven fact that women are still making less money than men are in the workroom. We need to remember that women in other countries can drive, but they cannot work. We should base our salaries, and our positions in the workplace based on experience, volunteer work, and creativity. We should base our salaries on how hard we work versus our looks or wealth.  It is proven that we have erased our middle class in this country and that the wealthy own much of the power. Where has the middle class gone? We all still want to live the American dream, but without a middle class that dream is more of stretch to reach.  It is proven that organizations like the KKK exists and still preach and act on hate.  It is proven that homophobia exists and often leads to hate crimes against the queer. My brother was a victim of hate crime just before the passage of Proposition 8.  It is proven that we discriminate against people of Islamic beliefs and we associate them to be terrorists. While Dr. King preached about ending all of this, it still exists in our society today.  We need to realize this and make sure that we are doing everything that we can to reverse these proven facts.  It is 2009, and we still have major issues concerning equality and love for everyone. 
  Dr. King would have been 70-years-old today and while he would be rejoicing the day that President-elect Obama would be become President Obama; he would still strive for us to demand and work towards equality for all.  Electing President Obama will help us to continue to move forward and get closer to that ultimate goal of complete equality for all regardless of race, sex, gender, ethnicity, age and whatever else exists. Tomorrow is not only a historic day, but a day in which we can realize just how far we have come since 1968, and how far we still should go! 
   January 20, 2009 will be a day that no American should ever forget.  Without Dr. King, Rosa Parks and others we would not be witnessing this historic, zealous, and hopeful day.  Dr. King is looking down at all of from heaven and smiling knowing that the first African-American President is going to be sworn in to become the 44th United States of America President. 
Obama had a dream, and his dream is about to come true tomorrow!
    To end this entry a phrase that united our country and helped Obama win the White House,  "YES WE CAN!" 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009 a inclement weather condition

   2009 has vastly approached us. It has come as an inclement snow storm which hasn't been too bad. For one I have become a much improved and even slightly confident driver in such flurry conditions as snow. Having 4-wheel drive is an absolute life saver and has helped with my confidence. 
   Secondly, I have started to really use the snow to my advantage. I have gotten some amazing "pow" days of snowboarding this year and as it keeps dumping the pow keeps coming. This snow also brings some quality night sledding! That is right, I have become and advt night sledder. I don't actually own a sled yet, so I have gotten creative. I made a garbage bag body suit which I use like it is a slip-n-slide. I make my course, get a running start and then lay flat on my butt and lower back. My lighting speed keeps up with other "sledders" whom have real sleds. So I feel pretty cool knowing my garbage bag sled works well and was free! 
    Lastly what the snow has brought is this wonderful sense how beautiful nature, scenery and cities look all wrapped up in snow. Since I was so lucky to receive a beautiful camera for Christmas I have gotten the chance to really embrace taking pictures. I love the snow especially for pictures!
   Well, I won't rant anymore about the fabulous aspects on snowy winters. While I love the snow, I do imagine laying on the beach in Thailand, or Puerto Rico or Costa Rica at times when I am freezing my butt off in the cold and wet snow. But then again, nothing beats a great powder day on the mountain! 

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