The cover of our book!

The cover of our book!
The book that I co-wrote with my wonderful father


Football and Beauty all in one photo

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Throughout our whole lives we enter into new relationships, some of them last and some of them do not. We begin dating a new guy, or a new girl. We make a new friend, have a new roommate or start a new relationship with a new pet. When a new relationship starts, we (mostly meaning I) get caught up in it. What can I say I am a passionate person! Once I am passionate about someone, it's hard for me not to fully emerge myself in that relationship. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, it can bring up some issues. Issues that I have recently realized and am now trying to mend.
I was recently in a relationship with a boy, which abruptly ended last night to be exact. But during my time in this relationship I really put so many other things in my life on hold for him and for us. Things like: my friends, my family, my "Jenna" time and even lessened by quality of some work for graduate school. I did not go snowboarding as much as I wanted to, nor did I go out dancing and such like I used to. Basically I was still this insanely busy person, but insanely busy with school and my boyfriend. I gave up so much for us and now that us is no more.
With my newly found single status again, (which is what I know best) I realized and decided what relationships are really worth being passionate over. When I was in a relationship with Zac I neglected my relationships with my friends. While I might not have very many friends in Utah, the one's I do have I cherish. Yet here I was neglecting all that I cherished. So I have reset my pritorities, and my passions towards working to develop and improve all of my friendships and family communication. While boys will come in and out my life- good friendships last forever. Good friendships show me love everyday! I live a crazy life right now so I already have limited free time, but that limited time will now be for my friends because at the end of the day they are the one's that WOULD BAIL ME OUT OF JAIL if I needed it.
So here is to all my wonderful friends may our relationships just continue to grow with happiness and love. While I may be a bit sad about my ending boyfriend relationship with Zac, I hope that we can begin a new friendship relationship when the time is right of course.

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